Vertical futuristic concept motorcycle
Vertical futuristic concept motorcycle

eus Ex Machina, ACCD students from Jake Loniak. ACCD Bumsuk Lim in the school officially opened a new curriculum - motorcycle design, which in his view is to seize the traditional areas of transport underestimated part of a good time, the future of green technology can encourage students to more boldly in the previous car Designers can not reach the place forward - green motorcycle, he said that now we are only in the old paradigm designed to add on green technology, and now is the time to a big change, so that the new security technology to change the environment we Chengji Way. The first motorcycle design courses in the end of April this year, Jake Loniak the Deus Ex Machina This course is one of the design. Deus Ex Machina and a far cry from the ordinary motorcycle, speaking more like science fiction from the map in the CG animation design, similar to the human musculoskeletal robot, a wearable means of transport. Deus Ex Machina is the meaning of God Out of a Machine, rough looks and Toyota's I-swing (i-unit, i-Real) a bit like, but it is a motorcycle, a motorcycle mobility, openness and movement characteristics , Deus Ex Machina vertically Parking, in a helmet behind seven of the spine, Cheng Ji, to control the car, the trunk has 36 gas muscle and two linear boom. Prone forward a bit similar to when the traditional motorcycle, the wheels on both sides of the former may be, just like riding a two skateboards at the same time, the speed of 75 mph (120 km / h), Jake Loniak thought it had when Travel for a commuter car, but a sports motorcycle. Below is video.
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